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jueves 13 de julio del 2017 4:00pm

Public Opinion and Partisan Conflict in Extremists. Parliamentary Brawls and Legislative Approval

The second conference of IPSA and Flacso Mexico’s Summer School on Methods, Concepts and Techniques in Political Science is from Emily Beaulieu, Associate Professor of Political Science from the University of Kentucky. Her talk will be on Public Opinion and Partisan Conflict in Extremists. Parliamentary Brawls and Legislative Approval.
Georgina Flores Ivich from Flacso México will comment on Dr. Beaulieu’s lecture.
Emily Beaulieu teaches Experimental Methods in the Summer School. She is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Kentucky. She received her Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of California, San Diego. Her substantive interests are in Comparative Politics—particularly elections, protest, and conflict in democracies—with an emphasis on quantitative and experimental methods. She has secured several grants from the National Science Foundation, including support from the NSF-funded Time Sharing Experiments in the Social Sciences. Her experimental research has been published in Electoral Studies, Politics and Gender, and Journal of Experimental Political Science. She has also published a monograph with Cambridge University Press, and research articles in Comparative Political Studies and International Organization.
All conferences in English
Free entry – Open to the public

Fecha: jueves 13 de julio del 2017 4:00pm