The third conference of IPSA and Flacso Mexico’s Summer School on Methods, Concepts and Techniques in Political Science is from Professor Bruno Cautrès, from the Center for Political Research at SciencesPo in Paris and Guy D. Whitten, from Texas A&M. Their talk will be on How to Get Published.
Dr. Cautrès is a researcher at CEVIPOF (FNSP/CNRS). He has been involved in different French and European studies on political participation and voting and elections. He has developed other areas which show the social and political rifts associated with Europe and European integration in the electorates and political opinion.
Bruno Cautrès teaches in Sciences Po political sociology and quantitative methods. He also teaches at the Ljubljana ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques and at the IPSA summer schools in methods and techniques.
His research focuses on the analysis of political behavior and attitudes through the development of statistical and quantitative methods in political sociology.
Dr. Guy D. Whittens primary research and teaching interests are mass political economy, comparative politics, and political methodology. Much of his research has involved cross-national comparative studies of industrial democratic nations. He has published a variety of manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, including the American Journal of Political Science, Armed Forces and Society, the British Journal of Political Science, Electoral Studies, the Journal of Politics, and Political Behavior. He is an active reviewer of manuscripts and currently serves on the editorial boards of the American Journal of Political Science, Electoral Studies, and Political Science Research and Methods.
Together with Paul Kellstedt, Dr. Whitten has also published the second edition of The Fundamentals of Political Science Research (Cambridge University Press 2013).
All conferences in English
Free entry – Open to the public
Fecha: martes 18 de julio del 2017 4:00pm